
Build Each Other Up

Most businesses use some kind of incentive to get customers to sign up for their email list, such as a discount coupon or freebie. This is a great way to stay engaged with customers who already know about your brand. But what about everyone else? How can you grow your brand awareness even bigger?

Partner with other similar companies to yours! Let’s use a yoga studio as an example. This yoga studio already has a strong brand awareness and a good image in the community, but they would like to continue to grow and add more classes per day. In order to do this they would need to bring in more customers to maintain the same class sizes and profitability.

Enter a health store. They also would like to grow their brand image, and want to focus on health conscious individuals. The health store and the yoga studio could set up a give away with freebies to entice customers to sign up, and thus share their customer lists. This would increase the number of people that they would be able to market to for a minimal cost. This can easily be compounded by adding 3-5 additional businesses as well, as seen in the example. The more you add, the greater the incentive for the potential customers to share their email addresses! See a clip from an example below that was linked into the daily email news update delivered by The Skimm.